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Fort Monroe Authority exec director to retire

Glenn Oder led FMA for 12 years

Glenn Oder

Glenn Oder

Fort Monroe Authority exec director to retire

Glenn Oder led FMA for 12 years

//March 29, 2024//

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G. Glenn Oder is retiring as executive director of the Fort Monroe Authority in October, the authority announced Friday.

Oder has led the FMA for the past 12 years after leaving the General Assembly, where he served as a state delegate from 2002 to 2012, representing the 94th District in the House of Delegates.

“On behalf of the Youngkin administration, I express our sincere appreciation to former Del. Oder for his decades of exemplary public service, especially at historic Old Point Comfort, present-day Fort Monroe,” Caren Merrick, secretary of commerce and trade, said in a statement. “The administration is committed to supporting the FMA search process and continuing our support for the commonwealth’s responsibility at Fort Monroe.”

Oder oversaw Fort Monroe when the U.S. Army transitioned the former base to the state to be redeveloped. The FMA is responsible for the stewardship, preservation and development of the National Historic Landmark. Under his leadership, long-range projects got underway, including real estate investment, utility upgrades and the African Landing Memorial, which commemorates the first Africans in North America who were brought to Point Comfort in 1619 at Fort Monroe. Oder led the charge in recognizing Old Point Comfort’s historical significance and bring attention to it.

“The Fort Monroe Authority is grateful for the leadership of Glenn Oder for over 12 years. His dedication and vision have been instrumental in preserving the legacy of Fort Monroe for future generations,” FMA Chairman Jim Moran said in a statement.

Oder worked with four governors, three mayors and many National Park Service superintendents all while expanding Fort Monroe’s scope. The FMA now oversees and owns the historic Casemate Museum, a $9 million visitor and education center and has received national attention for being a “Site of Memory” on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Slave Route Labor Project.

The Old Point Comfort Marina was going to be redeveloped by Smithfield-based hospitality management company Pack Brothers Hospitality to build a marina, renovate two existing historic buildings into conference space and a restaurant hotel over the water, but that has been put on hold indefinitely, as of January.

With Oder’s departure, the executive director role will be retitled to chief executive officer, effective July 1.


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