The co-founder of CareJourney, which has an open-data membership service with a rating system for doctors, Chopra was the nation’s first chief technology officer under President Barack Obama and served as Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine’s technology secretary. In 2014, he helped found CareJourney, a year after running unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor.
An alum of Johns Hopkins University and Harvard University’s Kennedy School, Chopra chairs George Mason University’s President’s Innovation Advisory Council and sits on the boards of the Health Care Cost Institute and the Virginia Center for Health Innovation. He also serves on the International Digital Accountability Council and is a director for health care solutions company UpStream and Florida-based Integra Connect.
BEST ADVICE FOR OTHERS: “Surplus value” — where possible, give more of yourself to others than you ask of them.
NEW LIFE EXPERIENCE: Dealing with teenage daughters
WHAT I’VE LEARNED: Patience and tolerance!
SOMETHING I’D NEVER DO AGAIN: Fail to balance my time across work, community and family
ONE THING I’D CHANGE ABOUT VIRGINIA: Strengthen the role of our lieutenant governor to focus on public/private collaboration