Corkery joined Deltek as its chief financial officer in January 2010 and was appointed president and CEO in November 2012. The company delivers enterprise software, information solutions and consulting services to project-based businesses. Since Corkery took the helm, Deltek has doubled in size; it now has about 30,000 customers across 80 countries. It also has 3,400 employees worldwide, 500 of whom are in Virginia.
In May, Deltek announced it had agreed to acquire Replicon, a Canada-based time tracking and project management software company. And in September 2022, Deltek completed its acquisition of TIP Technologies, a Wisconsin-based quality management software firm.
Corkery also serves as a corporate executive for Deltek’s parent company, Florida-based Roper Technologies. He is board treasurer for the American Council of Engineering Companies Research Institute and sits on the President’s Innovation Advisory Council at George Mason University.
He received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from St. Bonaventure University and an executive leadership development certificate from Georgetown University.
HOBBY/PASSION: Golf, travel and wine
WHAT MAKES ME HAPPIEST: Seeing my family happy and passionate about whatever they are doing. There is a saying that you are only as happy as your least happy child — and that is so true!