Title: Senior lecturer
Birthplace: Omaha, Neb.
Education: University of Hawaii, bachelor’s degree and MBA
Spouse: Teresa
Children: Bryan and Trista
Hobbies: Restoration of a 1965 Corvette
Favorite vacation spot: Walt Disney World
Fan of: Washington Redskins
Recently read book: “Called to Account: Fourteen Financial Frauds that Shaped the American Accounting Profession” by Paul M. Clikeman
First accounting job: Accounting internship at Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery in Honolulu, Hawaii
Career mentor: Dr. Russell Taussig, University of Hawaii professor emeritus
Are you seeing a growing interest in accounting among ODU students?
“Yes, the students are realizing that many of the interesting, good-paying jobs are going to the accounting graduates. In addition, they see that there are numerous accounting internships available.”