Other legal specialties: Personal injury litigation
Birthplace: New York City
Education: Bachelor’s degree, cum laude, Adelphi University; law degree, magna cum laude, George Mason University
Spouse: Brigette Perry
Children: Son, Dickson Young, Arlington
Hobbies or pastimes: Fly-fishing, golf, skiing, travel
First job as a lawyer: Associate attorney at Whitestone, Rodway, Phillips & Brent in Fairfax
Fan of: New York Jets, New York Mets, Washington Redskins, Washington Nationals
Favorite vacation spot: Aspen, Colo.
Recently read book: “Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Scorched Earth”
Career mentors: My father, Dickson F. Young, retired New York City police captain — he taught me to appreciate family and people and to place value in honesty and hard work; he never faltered in what he taught me or how he lived and is the only person whom I have met that was above reproach.
What has been your most memorable case?
I represented an RN charged with felony fraud and abuse/neglect of an incapacitated person. Her prosecution, license suspension and employment weighed heavily on her. The trial focused the attention of this tragedy on the health-care plan and social workers over which the client had no control. Client was acquitted after a multiday jury trial. Client was able to regain her job, prevail on her license suspension and ultimately have all records of the incident expunged.
Do we need criminal-justice reform?
We need criminal justice reform as it appears that the war on drugs and many nonviolent offenders is a failure. A large component of our population continues to be criminalized and marginalized with little hope for improvement. Many people in the criminal justice system have mental health and substance abuse issues that we are ill equipped to solve or manage. Mandatory minimums should be eliminated as they are an affront to the judiciary.