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Business valuation/litigation

Business valuation/litigation

//October 30, 2013//

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Mark Vogel
Vogel, Dean & Lill CPAs PLLC, Fairfax

Title:  Managing partner
Birthplace: Bordeaux, France
Education: University of Maryland, bachelor’s degree in civil engineering; University of Kansas, MBA in Finance
Children: Danielle, 22, working at a law firm and will attend law school fall of 2014; Claire, 20, majoring in accounting at University of Maryland; and Drew, a senior at Gonzaga High School.
Hobbies: Golf and sailing
Favorite vacation spot:  “Many, many but must involve water and sun.”
Fan of:  Washington Redskins
Recently read book: “How to Argue and Win Every Time” by Gerry Spence; “The Power of Nice” by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval
First accounting job: Working at Bell Atlantic (now Verizon) in the capital recovery department

How did you become involved in this specialty?
“I took over a practice from a CPA who performed business valuation/litigation work and quickly realized I better get trained and certified if I wanted to keep his clients! So I did, back in 1997.”

Business valuation/litigation list of Super CPAs


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