Aeroprobe Corp. plans to expand its operations in Montgomery County, Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Tuesday.
The announcement was made in Paris during the governor’s European trade mission.
The company plans to spend $300,000 on the expansion, which is expected to create 10 jobs. Aeroprobe makes air-data measurements systems used in the aerospace, automotive, turbomachinery, wind-turbine and wind-tunnel testing industries.
The company’s main line of products includes multihole probes and air-data systems that measure flow velocity for aerodynamic research and engineering. Aeroprobe’s second company division focuses on equipment sale and focused R&D for its proprietary additive manufacturing process.
Aeroprobe, which has worked with Virginia Economic Development Partnership’s international trade division since 2008, graduated from the authority’s Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET) program in July 2014. Company officials currently are attending the Paris Air Show.
“We are excited to launch our additive manufacturing division and demonstrate our unique solid-state additive manufacturing capabilities for all types of metals at an unprecedented build size,” Nanci Hardwick, Aeroprobe’sCEO, said in a statement.
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership will support Aeroprobe’s new job creation through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP). Under the program, Aeroprobe is eligible to receive $775 per job, up to a total of $7,750.