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A shining light

A shining light

//April 30, 2020//

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Welcome to the 2020 Virginia Maritime Guide! This annual publication is distributed to business readers statewide. It highlights the important contributions made by the maritime, distribution center and logistics industries to the economy of Virginia. It also serves as a valuable resource, including information on the companies and organizations serving these industries.

Over the past few months, it has been nearly impossible to write about any business or industry without reference to COVID-19, but this too will pass. While container traffic and job growth may have slowed this spring from a near record-setting pace last year, Virginia’s port-related industries are poised for a strong rebound. With the Navy rebuilding its fleet, Newport News Shipbuilding’s order book is already filled for the next 10 years. The Port of Virginia wrapped up one terminal expansion last year and is midway through a second expansion project this year. With new dredging scheduled to be completed by 2024, Virginia is poised to become the East Coast’s deepest seaport. And on top of that, offshore wind turbines are bringing an exciting new industry to the commonwealth’s mix of maritime businesses.

The successful growth of the Port of Virginia is inextricably tied to the growth of the entire commonwealth. It really is a shining light for our economy. We invite you to use the 2020 Virginia Maritime Guide to learn more about this exciting industry and as a resource on major companies providing services to the port community.

To compile this guide, we worked closely with the Virginia Maritime Association and the Port of Virginia. We thank them for their assistance, especially in these turbulent times.

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