In the first 10 months of opening, the 495 Express Lanes served 855,000 people. That’s one of the facts revealed in a report released this month celebrating the 495 Express Lanes’ first year.
The report – released by 495 Express Lanes and international toll road developer Transurban – also said that in September 2013 toll revenue from the express lanes reached $4.8 million, up from June 2013 when revenue was $4 million.
Other facts :
• Three most popular Express Lanes trips: (1) I-66 to I-495N (2) Springfield Interchange to Route 267 (Dulles Toll Road) and (3) Springfield Interchange to I-495N.
• Average toll since opening: $1.63.
• Busiest day on the Express Lanes was Sept. 12, 2013 with 47,303 trips.
• 60 percent of Express Lanes customers are younger than 45.
• Most customers used the 495 Express Lanes to be on time for work or an appointment.
• The majority of Express Lanes customers are from Virginia (59 percent), followed by Maryland (29 percent) and Washington, D.C.