How would you describe the economic climate in your part of the state?
Based on my observations, the economic climate in Northern Virginia is good. The job market is competitive; we are trying to hire a few positions and candidates are receiving multiple offers; restaurants are crowded for lunch and dinner, and there is no relief from the traffic.
What is your region doing well to retain/attract businesses?
Economic development is an important activity of our local county/city governments and they are in competition with each other. Being close to Washington, D.C., is an advantage.
What’s the biggest impediment to doing business in the area?
Traffic must be the major impediment, which is partially offset by the EZPass [electronic toll collection] system. We have frequent meetings in Tysons Corner (about 10 miles from Springfield) and before EZ Pass, a trip from Springfield to Tysons could take over one hour. Now with EZ Pass it’s less than 30 minutes. Most of my colleagues agree with me and will pay any amount to avoid sitting in traffic.
What major economic development project in your region are you most excited about?
Infrastructure projects, like the extension of the Metro System to Dulles Airport; expanding the EZ Pass lanes to I-395 in Arlington; and improvements to I-66. Any project to alleviate traffic is going to add to the quality of life and attract businesses to come and remain here.
What is the No. 1 item on your federal tax reform wish list?
Lowering the corporate tax rate from 35 percent would make our corporations more competitive with the rest of the world.
Photo by Stephen Gosling